Saturday, June 30, 2007

One Year AGO......

My baby is almost one. I can't believe it. One year ago I went into labor while watching The Devil Wears Prada. It was supposed to be my "last hurrah" with the girls. It was memorable, that's for sure.

Ratatouille and the b*tch

Sorry guys for the language, but trust me, it is the only word appropriate to describe the horrible woman sitting next to me at the movies.

Thanks to our Alaska Airlines Visa card, we were given 4 free tickets and 4 free popcorn/soda passes for a preview screening of Ratatouille. First of all, this movie is fantastic; at least what I was able to see of it.

To set up the scenario that would later become hell, let me first describe the setting of this movie premiere: a huge crowd of eager children and adults anticipating a visual feast for the eyes, hopped up on sugar and caffeine. In other words, and excited and loud crowd; certainly louder than a mumbling baby.

Thing was, as usual, on his best behavior. He was a little tired and wanted to nurse a lot during the movie, but in no way was crying or fussing. About one third of the way through the movie after Hulk passed the Thing back to me, the woman next to me exclaims in a rather loud voice, "Your baby is annoying. What were you thinking bringing a baby to a movie. That is incredibly rude and inconsiderate for the people around you. I would appreciate you moving to the front row where you won't disturb myself or all those around you. Thank you for moving." HELLO???? WHAT????? I was so taken aback that my reply was simply, "excuse me?" I was shaking with anger and anxiety. I wanted to cry because I have never had someone talk to me in such a frank and rude manner, especially about my child. Thing must have felt my anxiety because he then began to fuss. I got up and the woman says with a smug look on her face, "Finally." I spent the rest of the movie upset and carrying a 20+ pound baby around missing the movie and missing out of a wonderful family memory. Should I have ignored her? Probably. But anyone that knows me knows how sensitive I can be. I was pretty shaken up. Apparently, the Hulk expressed his deep disgust to this woman thanking her for ruining our family outing and suggesting not attending a kids movie in the future if children bother her so much. I can understand people being annoyed if A: they had paid for their ticket B: if the movie was a serious, adult film with an intricate plot and compelling dialogue C: if the baby was screaming and crying and obviously unhappy about being in a movie theater.

Oh well, c'est la vie!

Saab Story :(

We began our drive to Oregon on Tuesday stopping in San Francisco to drop off my flute and watcht the premiere of Ratatouille - see the story of the theater biatch. On Wednesday we made it all the way to exciting Weed, California when the turbo charger on our Saab 9-5 wagon went out. Smoke was pooring out the exhaust and the car dies in the middle of no-where on highway 97. At least the weather was mild, it was daylight, the scenery was gorgeous with Mt. Shasta as the backdrop, and we actually had cell-phone reception. After 3 hours of waiting, a friendly tow-druck driver named Fred arrived with a comfortable dual-cab Dodge Ram truck and trailer to tow us all the way to Portland....yes, PORTLAND!!! And since we were under warranty, Saab foot the bill. But, first, we had to pick up Fred's delightful and very talkative wife, Dixie in Yreka. We could not have asked for better service and company on such a long and could-have-been horrible ride. The kids and I were dropped off in Eugene while the Hulk was taken to the Portland Saab dealership. We were so lucky. God was certainly looking out for us. Our car should be done on Tuesday and God-willing, safe to drive home. I love my Saab SO MUCH. But talk about a pain in the tush when something goes wrong. But man, the drive is SO NICE.

Friday, June 22, 2007


Thing will be one on July 1st and he is finally taking an interest in food. He chewed on a piece of bread and ate a couple noodles and peas. Forget about mushed up food. He wants to feed himself and use his teeth.

Slight resemblance???

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Monday, June 4, 2007

Why a new blog?

Due to "you know who's" semi-celebrity in the game world, creepy people have been emailing him about the kids and me. We will now have code names so we can keep this blog public.

Code Names....

The "Hulk"

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The "Thing"

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And, "Spiderman"

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I am Elektra! Oooo Laa Laa!

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Don't my abs look fantastic for having two children via c-section???

This is how "Thing" gets around....warning!!! Too cute!

And yes, that is Ethan on the toilet....

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Time to catch up....some video

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